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- <title>
- Senator Comments On Crop Substitution Program
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- Foreign Broadcast Information Service, March 31, 1992
- Peru: Senator Comments on Crop Substitution Program
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- <p>[Lima EL COMERCIO in Spanish 1 Mar 92 p A4]
- </p>
- <p> [Text] Peru must seek other sources of foreign financing to
- fund a crop substitution program to replace coca leaves with
- alternate crops, while also working to obtain assistance from
- international private companies operating in Peru.
- </p>
- <p> This statement was made yesterday by the chair of the
- Senate's Special Standing Committee on the Drug Traffic, Absalon
- Alarcon Bravo de Rueda (PAP [Aprista Party of Peru]), who said
- the coca plantations in Peru have spread until they now cover
- 350,000 hectares of our forest lands.
- </p>
- <p> Commenting on the United States' refusal to provide more
- funding for the crop substitution program, the parliamentarian
- noted that at the present time Peru has limited budget
- resources available for coca substitution programs. He said the
- parliamentary group is willing to cooperate with the Executive,
- so that the 1993 budget will include resources for
- agroindustrial development in the Andean Trapezoid and the Upper
- Huallaga Valley.
- </p>
- <p> Alarcon explained that the spread of coca plantations has a
- negative ecological impact. These plantations have already
- destroyed 300,000 hectares of woods, and there is a danger of
- exterminating native communities, like the Ashaninkas, the
- Aguarunas, and Huitotos, who live in the eastern belt.
- </p>
- <p> He proposed that Peru take urgent steps to combat the drug
- traffic, such as coordinating legislation with Bolivia, the
- second major coca producer; creating severe penalties for drug
- traffickers; and establishing a reciprocal data bank to fill in
- the information gap we now have. This will be an important
- factor in making major progress in applying antidrug policies.
- </p>
- <p> He called upon local and regional governments as well as
- private companies in Peru to help with this effort against the
- drug traffic; no part of society can be excluded from this
- crusade.
- </p>
- <p> Finally, the legislator announced that a forum called "The
- Drug Traffic, the World's Problem" will be held next July to
- call the international community's attention to multinational
- responsibilities in solving the scourge of the illegal drug
- business.
- </p>
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